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An exceptional
team makes all the difference.
Outwitly Inc. is a Canadian service design consultancy that has been providing outstanding user experience, service design, and design thinking since 2016. After years working for big tech companies in Silicon Valley, Sara Fortier founded Outwitly on the philosophies of ingenuity, hard work, and quality.

What Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion means to us
It means everyone has a seat at the table. All voices are invited, heard, and respected.
It means we celebrate individual differences across gender, race, religion, age, and identity. We encourage employees and contractors to show up as their authentic selves.
Why Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion matters to us
The foundation of Outwitly is our commitment to improving human experiences, and no human being is excluded from this mission.
We believe inclusion and diversity drive innovation; a core proponent of our organization.
Our approach to Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion now and for Outwitly’s future
Education. We are committed to providing free educational tools to our team to encourage learning.
Representation. We only plan to build a more inclusive team.
Listening to and amplifying BIPOC voices. Removing ego and trusting the word of the individuals closest to a situation.