We find human insights and paths of action to create value for our clients.

Our team at Outwitly are experts in human-centered design approaches to innovation. We are strong believers in the power of understanding users and stakeholders to uncover their needs and goals, while employing creative and collaborative design methods to envision bold change.

person holding phone

Redesign your products and services to improve your customer experience.

There is no downside to getting to know your customers better. Using human-centered research and service design principles, we’ll uncover what’s irking your users or customers, and help to redesign their end-to-end experience with your organization.

Design is what we do best.

Outwitly is composed of consultants and experts in service design who’ve been industry professionals for well over 10 years. By studying user motivations, behaviours, needs, and aspirations through ethnographic user research and workshops, we’ll help you gain a better understanding of your customer experience.

Your customers deserve the best. Period.

Are you struggling to rectify the pain points your customer experiences throughout their journey? Maybe some of these TOP CUSTOMER CHALLENGES sound familiar…

  • Customers aren’t happy with your services. You get complaints and poor reviews
  • You have too many touchpoints and back-end support processes. You’re not sure where the issue is or how to fix it, but you know in your gut something isn’t working
  • You’re experiencing a high volume of customer/user support calls and emails. You wish you could allocate the time and resources spent in customer support elsewhere. Users are canceling their subscriptions and licenses. You’re losing them to the competition
  • There is a sense of team frustration and/or complacency. You need a clear set of strategic priorities to collaborate and move forward with purpose.

We bring your services to life

Our expert team can analyze your internal-facing processes and customer-facing touchpoints to find out where things go wrong. We’ll develop your custom roadmap to create a better experience for everyone.

Our methods and deliverables

Depending on where you need us most, we’ll conduct design research to provide you with deep customer insights using deliverables like…

  • Customer Journey Maps
  • Storyboards
  • Insight & Research Reports
  • User Personas
  • Ecosystem & Stakeholder Maps
  • Roadmaps & Action Plans
  • Service Blueprints
  • Diagram of our service blueprints.

  • Diagram of our shopper journey map.

  • Diagram of our customer journey.

  • Diagram of our ecosystem map.

We love a challenge

Our team has experience running long-term & large-scale research and experience design projects, conducting UX and ethnographic research with 1000+ participants, co-creating design solutions, turning findings into actionable next steps, and developing roadmaps with our clients to bring their new services to life.

Research & Design Activities Include:
User Interviews
Diary Studies
Environmental & Jurisdictional Scans
Trend Analysis
Insight Reports
Shadowing & Observations
Co-Design & Strategic Workshops
Service Prototyping & User Testing
Co-creating the Future of e-Learning in Canada
Reimagining the Adult Education Experience
Making the Journey for Child and Spousal Support More Human
Digitally Transforming the Future of Heritage Preservation
Redesigning a Public Sector Intranet and Employee Experience

Co-creating the Future of e-Learning in Canada

Outwitly partnered with Employment and Social Development Canada’s Office of Literacy and Essential Skills (OLES) to facilitate a co-design workshop experience where participants generated concepts for a holistic eLearning solution. This solution would offer consistent essential skills assessment and learning resources to help jobseekers, workers, and employers across the country.

Read the case study

Reimagining the Adult Education Experience

Outwitly engaged with a provincial department of advanced education to transform the delivery of adult education using human-centered design. Our job was to understand current learner pathways and needs, including challenges faced by education service providers, and seek new opportunities for innovation in the current system to inform a clear and consistent program model.

Read the case study

Making the Journey for Child and Spousal Support More Human

Outwitly was engaged over 10 months to improve the customer experience of an online government service for citizens seeking child or spousal support, provide recommendations for its reinvention, and lead its complete redesign. Our task was to reduce manual processes with automated/efficient systems, reduce call volume, improve case load, and improve user experience by providing meaningful case information to citizens in an easy-to-access and modern online portal.

Read the case study

Digitally Transforming the Future of Heritage Preservation

Outwitly worked with a national cultural heritage institution as they shifted towards using new digital tools and processes to properly and efficiently acquire and preserve heritage artifacts. We created service blueprints of the current disjointed processes and worked with our client to create a streamlined future-state.

Read the case study

Redesigning a Public Sector Intranet and Employee Experience

Outwitly worked with a Crown Corporation to streamline and modernize its intranet web portals (used by 5,000 employees) in order to create a single point of access with a more discoverable, shareable, and engaging user experience for staff. We helped our client move from 8 disparate internal systems down to one.

Read the case study
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The workshop put on by Outwitly was incredible and very worthwhile. We look forward to more discussions and opportunities to work together in future!

Manager, George Brown College

The project is gaining momentum and we’ve begun introducing changes. We refer to our personas often! Working with Outwitly was a wonderful experience.

– Director, Department of Adult Education

I showed the app Outwitly created to our Deputy Minister… She was thrilled with how nice it looked and the simple layout of information. She is excited for how useful the clients will find the new service.

Executive Director, Provincial Government Department

It was a real pleasure to work with Outwitly. They created an excellent report and there will be many positives to follow from this.

Senior Project Officer, Federal Government Office

I will always give Outwitly 5 gold stars. I have enjoyed working with their UX team and appreciate their thoughtfulness and attention to detail. I can’t wait to work with them again!

Senior IT Professional, Federal Crown Corporation

Get inspired! Discover FREE UX resources and expert knowledge on our blog.

View all blog posts

The Power of Customer Journey Mapping: 101

Customer journey mapping is a powerful design tool that will give you an end-to-end visual picture of your customer experience and the ability to tackle pain points, explore new product or service opportunities, and much more.

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How to Research and Build a Customer Journey Map: 201

Building a customer journey map will enable your company to better understand how customers use your products or services.

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Making your Journey Map Actionable and Creating Change: 301

We explore design-thinking and human-centered tools and techniques to ensure that your carefully researched customer journey maps are highly actionable, and that they are communicated across your organization to affect change.

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What is Design Thinking? An Introduction

What is design thinking?

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Getting Started with the Design Thinking Process

How can an organization get started with design thinking?

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UX Research: Why your Customer Survey Isn’t Cutting It

How effective are user surveys?

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UX Research: Empathy Mapping and Proto-Personas

When you don’t have the time or resources for user research, empathy-mapping and proto-personas are two great design tools that your team and stakeholders can use to better understand your organization’s users or customers, and to inform timely feature, product, or service decisions.

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Customer Journey Maps vs. Service Blueprints: What’s the difference?

We explore the design tools of Customer Journey Mapping and Service Blueprinting.

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Service Design, UX, & HCD: What’s the difference?

We are often asked what the differences are between service design, UX, human-centered design, design thinking, design research, and the list goes on… It can be complicated and confusing, so we decided to create an all-encompassing guide with definitions for you (and us)!
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Design Research: Methods, Practices, and Pitfalls

This post is a “roundup” of our past posts on the topic of design research.

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