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An exceptional
team makes all the difference.
Outwitly Inc. is a Canadian service design consultancy that has been providing outstanding user experience, service design, and design thinking since 2016. After years working for big tech companies in Silicon Valley, Sara Fortier founded Outwitly on the philosophies of ingenuity, hard work, and quality.

We stay ahead of the curve. At our core, we are creative problem solvers. We challenge the status quo and are always looking for innovative solutions using design thinking.
We are committed to thoughtful, exceptional work. We will go the extra mile to make every step of the project seamless. Our clients don’t want mediocre work, and neither do we. Our deliverables are beautiful, accessible, and easy to understand.
We are passionately curious people and are always asking questions to get to the root cause. We believe that curiosity leads to the best insights and opportunities for our clients. We start every project with a “beginner’s mind” offering us a new lens from which to see challenges.
We are focused on finding paths of action for our clients based on human insights. In our opinion, insights are not insights unless they are actionable. We are focused on finding opportunities for clients so they can immediately start implementing with clarity.
Ultimately, people work with people, and they want to work with people they like. Our team is friendly, down-to-earth, and easy to work with. We take an egoless approach to our design process. Our clients can feel comfortable having us in their space and interacting with their customers.