June 12, 2019

The New Outwitly Blog: Design, Research, and Storytelling

Welcome to our new blog space! We are Outwitly–and we are delighted to be launching a new blog series for designers, user researchers, organizational change-makers and managers, and the creatively-minded across industries. We want to offer useful advice, build connections, and most importantly, tell stories.

First, allow us to re-introduce ourselves. Outwitly is a service design consultancy based in Ottawa and Winnipeg, with clients across Canada and the USA. Outwitly’s team of designers and research specialists love to solve complex business problems using human-centered design and qualitative research methods. In other words, we like to learn about people’s problems, and to listen and watch them interact with products and services. We also like to gather people together to workshop challenges and co-design better experiences.

Behind the scenes, of course, is where the fun happens. We are planning research projects, conducting interviews, observing people, analyzing and synthesizing data, conference-calling clients, designing journey maps, personas, and insights reports, and prototyping experiences. And sometimes…we also like to peruse design blogs for inspiration in the late afternoon, with iced coffees and banana bread within arm’s reach.

In this space, we want to combine our interests and expertise– service design, user experience research, design thinking, the science of creativity, and design workshops– into one place.

This month, we’ll launch our first, two-part Human-Centered Design and Research series, addressing:

Then, we’ll introduce our Research Methods series. Qualitative research methods help us uncover insights that inform our designs and our solutions to complex problems. Interviews, observations, and diary studies – we’ll be showcasing each, and offering clear, actionable guidance for implementing these methods into your projects, big and small.

We’ll dive deep, with stories and case studies along the way.

Grab a snack, a seat in the sun, and join us!


In the meantime, we’d love to stay in touch. Find us on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Or, subscribe to our monthly newsletter through our website.

User Interview Workbook - This image directs you to Outwitly's free workbook that prepares and teaches UX designers how to conduct interviews like a pro.